Micro clips for Nouvelle Administration  by Philippe B.

DOP for Elliot Maginot's Dead Church music video

Milk & Bone at Festival de Jazz 2023 recap

Micro clips for Busty and the Bass x Magi Merlin 

for their single Far From Here

Videoclip for Nicholas Cangiano's Kaleidoscope

BTS for Les Louanges' CRASH concert at Osheaga 2022


Neither Here nor There

BTS for the Birks x Consulat Wedding Collection 

Promotional video for Boucherie Laflèche

DOP on the Menteuse videoclip for Andromède

BTS video done by Keenan Moise for A Motel Repetition Story with High Klassified

I Was Tryna Get My Money Up - camera assistant and co-DOP for Kimezaa

IT'S GREAT - a satirical series of capsules

"It's Great" is a series of fake satirical advertisements or "capsules" that critiques social media's performative happiness and publicity culture. In each ad, an actor phonily and over-joyously expresses one of their most damaging thought patterns or struggles whilst completing a mundane task. 

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